Sunday, July 26, 2009

New Feature: Stories of Others

Since I'm on the internet quite often, I find stories from people who have encountered some difficult circumstances. In fact, my email is set to alert me to certain topics as they appear on the internet. How cool is that little gadget!

This particular post will feature stories from people who have disorders such as Autoimmune disorders and Dystonia. I will also include stories of people who may have other struggles that they are dealing with.

These stories are not meant to sadden. They are meant to bring awareness and to offer inspiration and hope. I believe that it is good to share stories. You never know who might be going through something similar...And you never know who you might help by sharing your journey.

So, please check back periodically to view new stories that have been brought to my attention.
**Please note that these stories will not be altered in any way (i.e. grammatically, content, etc.). They will appear as they were written by the author.

The story of a beauty queen stricken with Dystonia:

The story of a person with Grave's Disease:
Lupus not slowing Gilbert ASU freshman

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