Monday, June 1, 2009

Dr. Mark Hyman on You tube

A few months ago, I saw a progam on PBS that featured Dr. Mark Hyman. The program was very interesting in that he discussed ways to help with inflammation, illness, food allergies, etc. (FYI: PBS broadcasts many beneficial shows that focus on health matters, including shows featuring Dr. Brenda Watson who discusses topics such as detoxification and other health related issues.)

Today, I came across Dr. Hyman on YouTube. He has done a series of interesting short videos, in promotion of his book, that discuss the above topics and other health realted issues.

As inflammation is common in pretty much all Autoimmune diseases and many other illnesses, this is a good site for those suffering with these types of issues to visit. If you do not have Autoimmune issues, this site is still a beneficial resource for information on nutrition and other general health topics.

If you are interested in hearing Dr. Hyman, please click on the above title, Dr. Mark Hyman on You Tube and you will be connected to the site.

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