Thursday, May 28, 2009

What I Am Currently Reading

I am currently reading The MS Recovery Diet by Ann D. Sawyer and Judith E. Bachrach. (I do read for pleasure, and I do some fun activities. I don't read all day-LOL) Currently, I am just on a mission to find methods that might alleviate my symptoms. In doing so, hopefully some of these resources will help others who happen to stumble across this blog. God has truly lead me to some very enlightening resources.

Why did I start reading this book? While doing an internet search on strengthening the immune system, I came across this book. While, I have not been diagnosed with MS (Praise God), I have a Neurological Disorder and an Autoimmune Disorder. While I have found some helpful resources on Graves' Disease and Dystonia, many of the resources are based on the bleak prescriptions/theories of allopathic or traditional medicine. So, I often read books and sources that discuss remotely related Neurological and/or Autoimmune Disorders.

What is the book about? The book is written by two women who have recovered from the symptoms of MS. They are not cured, but they are recovered. While MS has been linked to genetic factors and other causative factors, this book discusses how certain foods can trigger and/or exacerbate the symptoms of MS. Common food triggers in MS are dairy, grains, legumes, eggs, and yeast. In addition, individuals may be intolerant to other foods as well. It takes paying close attention to your body in order to determine triggers and/or allergy testing which is about 80 percent accurate.

Do I recommend this book? I highly recommend this book, because it offers an alternative approach to medicine through diet, exercise, and relaxation. MS is a very complex disease. Diet, exercise, and relaxation can be controlled through strict discipline. This book offers a glimmer hope in helping to reduce or remove symptoms caused by MS.

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