Saturday, June 6, 2009

Autoimmune Disease Resources and Other Health Resources (i.e. websites;books)

Here, I will give websites or resources that I think will be valuable to people suffering from Graves' disease and other Autoimmune Disorders or illnesses. This list will include resources that I don't necessarily discuss as part of a main post, but I still feel they may be helpful. Websites with links will be highlighted in red. Websites without links will be in brown. Book resources will be in blue. Magazines or journals will be in green. So, check back to this post periodically for updates. Enjoy!
General Autoimmune Disease. This site discusses the possible causes, triggers, and ways to possibly reduce symptoms of Autoimmune Disease.
Graves' Disease. This site offers a comprehensive insight into dealing with Graves' Disease. It offers information about antioxidants, diet, and a question/answer section.
Sarcoidosis. The classic feature of sarcoidosis is the formation of granulomas, microscopic clumps of inflammatory cells that group together (and look like granules, hence the name). When too many of these clumps form in an organ they can interfere with how that organ functions.
Facebook is a social networking site. You can connect with people and organizations who have similar interests and/or health concerns.
WEGO Health. This is a site that I was blessed to find. There are discussion groups for a wide range of issues ranging from Autism to Dystonia.
The Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing: A comprehensive A-Z listing of common and chronic illnesses and their proven natural treatments (2005) by Gary Null, Ph.D.
This "thick" book discusses natural approaches that may help with symptoms for a "wide" range of conditions including Lupus, Anemia, and Premenstrual Syndrome.
SuperHealth (2009) by Steven Pratt, M.D.
This book suggests ways to improve your health through diet, nutrition, and exercise. SuperFoodsRX by this author is also worth reading. A site for people who have MS
Website of Courtney Smith, founder of Control Your Auto Productions. Courtney lives with Myasthenia Gravis, an Autoimmune Disease. She has made a documentary, Beauty Does Lie: The Untold Stories of Autoimmune Diseases.

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