Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Golden Girls: The Sick and Tired Episode

Last night, I watched an episode of The Golden Girls--one of my all time favorite shows; I've probably seen every episode. Unfortunately, I can certainly relate to the "Sick and Tired" episode: The episode in which Dorothy is ill(she has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), but doctors keep dismissing her concerns. After finally being diagnosed with CFS, she had the opportunity to confront one of her dismissive doctors. Every doctor should see this episode.


Keke said...

I absolutely loved this, perhaps because I could relate to it so much and I too am a fan of "the girls". I wish I could have the opportunity that Dorthy had to confront the cruelty of certain health care professionals when I was at my sickest point, and in so much pain...for that matter, I'm praying to one day get to have a simular conversation with my boss whom was perhaps the cruelest of all. I can think of about 5 different people who would need to receive this be so vulnerable and in so much pain and to have such cruelty exacted upon me left me weeping many days without understanding of how such cruelty could exist! But...I also experienced extraordinary kindness from others as now, I don't let an opportunity pass to either thank the kindness or identify the cruelty, I promised myself I would never let either escape me again! The latest happened at my last appt with a new nuerologist, his receptionist was one of the cruel first appt feeling very vulnerable again I had let the opportunity to educate her escape...however, the second appt I did not...I was very calm, identified the problem for her, at first she started giggling and said, "Well sometimes I get grouchey easy", I remained calm and said, "no, not acceptable...and not at all funny, by the time people come to this type of doctor they are usually very sick and to have to put up with your "cruelty", which is what it is, no matter what you call it, is unacceptable, perhaps you should find another job!" It was so empowering to call her out...her face turned red and she was speechless...if we were all "Brave Dorthy's" perhaps we could eradicate the cruelness of health care professionals and teach them empathy and care and compassion as you said! Hurray for this and thank you for sharing!!! I will be passing this on to others for just in your sharing I feel empowered! Thank you!!! I hope you are having a "Well and Happy Holiday!" XO Keke

ChyvonneB said...


I can relate to everything you have stated. I am so much more appreciative of those who go out of their way to be kind on a daily basis--whether it be a doctor, a food service worker, etc.

Suzanne said...

Thank you so much for's so true. Keke reminded me that I needed to come back and watch this video. I've been feeling so awful lately and not just for me but especially the many who suffer and then get treated so badly. Can I post your blog as a link on mine? Thanks, Sue

ChyvonneB said...

Of course you can...thanks for asking.

Take care. You know my prayers are with you and all of us who are fighting this everyday.

Suzanne said...

Thanks so much, Chyvonne. Hope you're feeling well and wishing the very best new year for you. Sue

ChyvonneB said...


Thanks. Same to you.